Football excitement is back

Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Year!

Even the Bills’ loss to New England on Saturday can’t take away the luster of a very good football season in Buffalo. It’s been quite a ride, with one game to go against the New York Jets.

Ten and five with one to play in this year’s NFL is a pretty good mark. Only seven teams have a better record.  Nine teams have had middling results, within one game of playing just .500 football. Continue reading

On being the most conservative candidate in NY27

It’s interesting to watch all the posturing that is going on in New York’s 27th Congressional District as voters wait to elect a new member of the House of Representatives.  Oh, the excitement!

We are about to watch a congressional doubleheader: a special election and a primary election conducted concurrently for the same congressional seat, left vacant by convicted felon Chris Collins.  The special election will happen sometime in the next few weeks or months while the Republican (and Democratic?) primary will begin with petitioning in February and conclude on June 23rd. Continue reading