Some facts, observations, and heard-on-the-streets

December is normally a slow month for local politics but the speculation and jockeying for a congressional seat, potential aftershocks to that event, and the Buffalo Common Council presidency will keep things churning.  There will also be the start of presidential convention delegate petitioning on December 12th and the impending Court of Appeals decision about congressional redistricting to keep the attention of politicos.

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How a congressional candidate’s campaign can be assisted with some creative use of state campaign treasuries and federal PACs

With a relatively short campaign beginning in the race to succeed Brian Higgins in NY26, all candidates and potential candidates need to move quickly. A campaign team, likely including some out-of-town consultants, will be assembled.

Candidates need to file a committee with the Federal Election Commission.  The FEC notes:  An individual running for a seat in … the House of Representatives … becomes a candidate when he or she raises or spends more than $5,000 in contributions or expenditures.  [House] candidates must designate a campaign committee. This ‘authorized committee’ takes in contributions and make expenditures on behalf of the campaign.”

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