The Biden base

We have gone through the second round of debates among 20 Democrats running for president. The most recent sessions might be described as the elimination round of a game show.

It is hard to get an assessment of any candidate when they are talking, in a two-plus hour period, for just nine or ten minutes – with nine other people are also trying to make an impression on the voting public. It is not a great way to sort things out, but there aren’t a lot of appropriate alternatives. Continue reading

On civility, politicians, and owning up to what you do or say; gubernatorial candidates and other such things

First, a brief Alabama limerick from Politics and Other Stuff editor Paul Fisk:

                Twice kicked from the bench he did sit on

                Roy Moore chose the Senate to bid on

                Now they showed him the door

                And so much for Roy Moore

                And the same to the horse he rode in on


                        Decency wins (Senator Jeff Flake)

The Buffalo News ran an interesting interview this past Saturday with former members of Congress John LaFalce and Tom Reynolds. It was just as I would have expected from these two old friends – staking out their respective political positions but nonetheless remaining civil and respectful of the other’s positions. I would say how welcoming, except that these fellows are not in Congress anymore. Continue reading